TYPO3Camp Vienna

PHPUnit in TYPO3 - A Subtle Thing

Join "PHPUnit in TYPO3" on October 11th 2024

Free 20 minute webinar
Helmut will present his workshop "PHPUnit tests in TYPO3" in a 20-minute webinar on August 30, 2024 and answer your questions afterwards. Free Registration

Special discount 
Attendees and sponsors of TYPO3Camp Vienna 2024 will get a special discount of 15%. 

Satisfied or your money back!
We are confident that our workshops will meet your expectations. If you don't think it meets your expectations by lunchtime, you can simply leave and get 100% of the invoice amount back.

Register with a money-back guarantee

Helmut Strasser, TYPO3 CMS Certified Developer at supseven
Helmut Strasser, TYPO3 CMS Certified Developer at supseven

Day: Friday, October 11th 2024
Language: English or German
Duration: Full day, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Workshop: Face-to-face event
Location: supseven, Fockygasse 29-31, 1120 Vienna
Costs: 690,- EUR per person, excl. VAT (-15% for TYPO3Camp Vienna attendees and sponsors)
Provisioning: Drinks, snacks, lunch
Group size: Max. 6 pax

Workshop trainer: Helmut Strasser | supseven
Helmut Strasser is a TYPO3 CMS Certified Developer at supseven. He specializes in Laravel and TYPO3 extension development. Find him at Mastodon.

Workshop topics & content

  • Learn about pros and cons of writing PHPUnit tests and dos and don'ts of what parts of code to test.
  • Get solid arguments to convince your customer to fund writing tests.
  • Find out how to setup a PHPUnit testing environment for your TYPO3 project and how to run tests within PhpStorm.
  • Learn to think outside the box and to increase your code quality at the hands of writing PHPUnit tests, even before developing the actual application (TDD).
  • Start writing PHPUnit tests on your own with well-chosen example code, from your first simple assertions to mocking complex TYPO3 API calls.

The goal: What can you expect from this workshop? 

  • Know how to setup PHPUnit for your project.
  • Be able to write PHPUnit tests on your own to ship a more resilient product to the customer.
  • Get a solid base of knowledge to handle peculiarities with PHPUnit linked to TYPO3 and Extbase.
  • Understand how to leverage PHPUnit tests to increase your code quality.

Target group: TYPO3 extension developers, interested in learning how to write PHPUnit tests related to TYPO3 and Extbase.

Previous knowledge: No precognition is needed in terms of PHPUnit, as we will start from the ground up. But you should have already written one or two Extbase extensions on your own, or at least some custom ViewHelpers. In the worst case it might happen that you gain some new knowledge about TYPO3 ;)

Preparation development environment: Bring your own laptop with you, the OS does not matter. After registration you will get access to a Github repository, which should be executable on your computer. For that you will need the development tool DDEV installed, and a containerization tool like Docker Desktop, Colima or OrbStack (the DDEV website gives you any information needed). Additionally installing the PhpStorm DDEV plugin is highly recommended.

Workshop participants will get informed about an online meeting appointment prior to the workshop, where free-of-charge technical support will be provided (in all conscience) if required.

Register with a money-back guarantee

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+43 680 11 50 504 hello@typo3camp.at